Saturday 3 May 2014

In Which I Leave Work (Temporarily)

Yesterday was my last day at work, for exactly six months. Of course I've had 'last days' at previous jobs before, but this one felt different. Sad because I'm leaving behind a lovely bunch of people, who have made the last 18 months at the company not just bearable, but actually entertaining, and frequently downright hilarious. Well, apart from when I make puns that are so bad I'm asked to leave.

But odd because I will be coming back. I have no idea what things will be like when I return, but because I have a fixed return date, it doesn't really feel like a proper goodbye.


I was nevertheless a bit emotional when it came to the actual goodbye time. My workmates all chipped in for a magnificent spread of food, so we spent the entire working day gorging ourselves on crisps, popcorn, cookies and brownies. I also received some lovely leaving presents, both useful and pretty (the perfect combination).

Why yes, those chocolates on the right are indeed gin truffles.

It struck me, though, that I've never spent this amount of time not working before. I had two months off a couple of years ago for an operation but, given that I spent a lot of that time lolling around on super-strength painkillers, it wasn't exactly an ideal opportunity to go gallivanting around. It feels quite weird as a (supposed) adult who's been working more or less full-time since the age of 18, to now have six months off where I don't have to turn up to a place of employment on time, dressed appropriately in order to spend 7 hours a day performing mostly pointless tasks. 

Cause for celebration, I feel. So tonight I am off to dine with some of my favourite friends at a Mongolian barbecue restaurant, and watch a show at the Hebden Bridge Burlesque Festival.

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